The Best Way to Tour the Desert in Dubai

A desert is a place in Dubai that people love to frequent as an escape from the pressures of the city. But why the huge fuss over a barren stretch of sand? First off, the environment here is serene; talk of gentle breezes, blue skies, golden dunes, and glorious sunrises and sunsets. Likewise, there are many adventures in store for you. You can decide to ride camels, stay overnight for a camp, explore Arabian cuisine, or hold a photo shoot. Alternatively, you can make a booking with an ATV rental to reserve your spot for more adrenaline-filled activities. Some of the pastimes in these packages include a quad bike safari, dune crashing in buggies and fun-filled dirt bike rides.

Quad Bike Safari

Safety First Then the Fun Comes Later

Beware of service providers who do not value their clients. Enjoyment and safety must go hand in hand. The first mandatory safety measure is sending guides to go with the clients on trips. Instructors know the desert inside out. Thus, they will take you sightseeing and at the same time ensure you don’t lose your way. Additionally, they will come to the rescue when the vehicle gets stuck or develops a fault. That’s not all; these guides are delightful company. Their extensive historical knowledge makes them good conversationalists, so you won’t get bored.

Price for Dune Buggy in Dubai

Another crucial safety measure is providing protective gear to the riders. This should be done at no extra cost. Nobody should leave the base for the desert without appropriate safety equipment. For motorbikes and quads, you should be provided with an approved helmet, gloves, knee pads, a body protection jacket, high protection riding boots a full shirt, and a pair of pants. Similarly, dune buggies must contain standard safety features. Therefore, the price for dune buggy in Dubai should not just include the vehicle itself; it should also give you access to a guide and the appropriate gear.

Which Toy Gives You the Most Joy

You don’t have to be a pro to rent a motorcycle in Dubai. So, don’t worry if you’re the only one in your squad who doesn’t know how to ride. The truth is that it can be intimidating to ride in the desert especially if you have never done it before. The first thing a rental agency should do when you approach them is equipped you with skills. Typically, lessons are hands-on and are conducted by the most competent trainers. Thus, it won’t take you long to master the basics. Also, the same bike you use for training is the same one for rentals. Therefore, you are not faced with the challenge of adjusting to a different bike. All-terrain machines are available for hire all year round.

Rent a Motorcycle in Dubai

The good news is that most rental agencies can be found online hence making the booking process less stressful. All you have to do is head to the agency’s website for details about their services and contact them with questions and bookings. Grab your next desert vehicle now.